"Сити" одержал дежурную победу над "Ньюкаслом"
"Манчестер Сити" одержал дежурную победу над "Ньюкаслом" со счетом 2:0, благодаря чему поднялся на пятое место в Премьер-Лиге.
В старте у "горожан" произошло только одно изменение. Вместо подхватившего коронавирус Кайла Уолкера появился Натан Аке.
У "сорок" с первых минут вышли Фабиан Шер, Мэттью Лонгстафф, Айзек Хейден и Джейкоб Мерфи.
Матч начался в невысоком темпе, однако хозяевам не составило труда взломать оборону "Ньюкасла". На 14-й минуте Рахим Стерлинг оказался на краю вратарской, выждал паузу и коротко покатил мяч под удар Илкаю Гюндогану — 1:0.
В дальнейшем "Сити" уверенно контролировал игру, никуда не торопясь, но ничего не позволяя своему сопернику. "Горожане" имели моменты сделать счет комфортным, включая выход Кевина Де Брюйне один на один на 35-й минуте, однако пробить голкипера "Ньюкасла" Карла Дарлоу не могли.
После перерыва "горожане" продолжили доминировать и на 55-й минуте удвоили счет. Это Ферран Торрес добил мяч в ворота из центра штрафной после неудачной попытки защитника прервать прострел Жоау Канселу — 2:0.
Заключительные полчаса были формальностью. "Сороки" просто не могли зацепиться за мяч, поэтому атаковали крайне редко.
На 81-й минуте мог отличиться вышедший на замену Серхио Агуэро, на дальней штанге замыкая прострел партнера, но Дарлоу остановил мяч на самой линии ворот.
"Сити" отпраздновал дежурную победу, не показав какого-либо яркого футбола. "Ньюкасл" был готов обороняться большим числом, но делал это неумеючи.
"Манчестер Сити" — "Ньюкасл". Отчет о матч
27.12.2020 00:55
Просмотров: 1176
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7h ago
When Arsenal went 1-0 up with the penalty, I knew that Chelsea’s goose was cooked regarding the game.
What we needed today was a mature performance against a team in terrible form, to show that we have grown from our habits of losing these types of games last season. As usual, we started very badly, and our predictable habit of spamming crosses from our fullbacks/wide players were easily defended or swatted away by an injury hit Arsenal.
In direct contrast to the world’s best managers, Lampard expects his teams to freely improvise, rather than coach ‘automatisms’: highly structured tactical set-plays. He shares this ideology with Mourinho who he played under for a good while and is obviously an influence on the way he plays.
Problem with this is that Werner and many other attacking players are making runs many times in that are not being picked up early or properly because our lack of automations create nano delays. The player with the ball has to slow down for a micro second, look up to see what his options are and who is in space, which means the real time is advantage is lost as opposition markers/defenders reset their shapes. Does Lampard work on shapes and triggers in training? We are repeating the same mistakes to suggest we do not.
Sarri had Chelsea playing a possession heavy pressing style in a back 4 with only 3 weeks of pre-season plus a new GK in Kepa, plus Jorginho and Kovacic as signings. He had to rely on wantaway Morata for goals, and later on a one-paced Higuain. Yet we reached our goals for that season – 3rd with 2 cup finals. Hazard had his best season ever in a Chelsea shirt. RLC and CHO had break-through seasons performing to levels they haven’t reached since. Oh, don’t bring up the Hazard argument, as he did not feature for many parts of the Europa campaign.
Conte had Chelsea playing in a 3-4-3/3-5-2 counter-attacking system by the 6th game of the season using Luiz as the play making CB and converting Azpi to a right-sided CB. There was improvisation all through the squad. Chelsea went on a 13 game winning run that yielded the title. Hazard was key, but as the first half of the FA Cup semi-final versus Spurs showed, the team had patterns that served them well even when the Belgian was not starting. All through the league, we see managers like Hussenhutl, Rodgers, Nuno, Klopp manage to churn out performances despite missing key players like Ings, Ndidi, Castagne, Jimenez, VVD for large portions of this season.
It is arrogance by some of our supporters to continue insisting that Lampard would figure things out because he is intelligent and has a high IQ. It is a bit of sacred cow whataboutery that was not afforded some of the other ex-Chelsea players who have either managed us or sat on our bench as assistant coaches – Zenden, RDM, Zola (to name a few). Where was this patience when Sarri needed it – it is one thing to not like our manager, but to boo “fuck Sarri-ball” at him in the ground is classless to say the least. Chelsea is not a nursery school for managers – you should only coach (or play for) this wonderful club if you know what you are doing. Clubs like Wolves, Leicester, Everton have better managers than us, and they are continuously improving, so it is the height of arrogance to think that we could faff around trying to figure things out under an inexperienced manager, and have other clubs freeze while we do so.
Personally I had seen enough from Lampard since middle of last season to convince me that he is not good enough for the Chelsea job. I appreciate and respect him for all he has done for the club as a player, but it is time to say goodbye and thanks. His record against the bigger teams in not good enough and it has not changed this season. I am seeing bad decisions continually being made regarding selling or releasing players: I think letting Luiz, both Barkley and RLC leave, and alienating Tomori are ill-advised actions. I particularly warned against loaning out both Barkley and RLC earlier this season when it was first announced. It was a baffling decision to let them leave and rely on new signing Havertz and relative novice Mount for those attacking midfield roles.
It is not about the result. The West Ham, Newcastle and Brighton games this season (all wins by the way) showed that we are very rudderless in the way we build attacks, which is disturbing almost 18 months into Lampard's tenure. Our preparation and mentality for certain games last year were not good enough. For me, the Bayern game was never a 7-1 game; and the FA Cup final performance was a disgrace.
Tuchel is not at a club right now, and if he could be convinced to join mid-season (which is unlikely) then I think our hierarchy should be on the phone to him. He has experience managing in a high pressure environment, and his teams plays good pressing football. He is also German which would work well for Werner and Havertz.
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Пенсы уже молятся волкам стоя на коленях кхаахахахахахахахаха
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